ARC News 79, October/November 2015

The latest edition of the magazine for members of the Association of Revenue and Customs (ARC), which represents the UK's senior tax officials.

 Produced bi-monthly in print and digital format, ARC News is also available exclusively to ARC members from the ARC Forum. Or you can download a sample copy here 

ARC News is designed and produced by Lexographic. We are also developing a new website for ARC, to be launched in spring 2016.

Healthcare Manager 27, Autumn 2015

The Autumn 2015 issue of Healthcare Manager is all about valuing the people who work for the NHS. We have Karen Lynas, deputy managing director of the NHS Leadership Academy talking about how to be a great line manager, South Tees chief exec Tricia Hart on how staff add value and Derek Mowbray on putting staff welfare at the top of your agenda. Plus associate editor (and Lexographic partner) Craig Ryan gives some tips on how to avoid wasting people's time with unnecessary meetings. And as if that's not enough, our digital health correspondent Jenny Sims looks at the NHS's efforts to engage disadvantaged groups with digital health initiatives.  

Healthcare Manager is edited, designed and produced by Lexographic on behalf of Managers in Partnership (MiP). Read the online edition here or download the digital edition here. 

ARC News 78 — August/September 2015


This is special bumper edition of the magazine for members of the Association of Revenue and Customs (ARC), which represents the UK's senior tax officials. As well as the usual news and commentary on the goings on inside HM Revenue and Customs, there's a 36-page supplement offering full coverage of the association's annual general meeting.

 Produced bi-monthly in print and digital format, ARC News is also available exclusively to ARC members from the ARC Forum. Or you can download a sample copy here 

ARC News is designed and produced by Lexographic.

Healthcare Manager 26, Summer 2015

The Summer 2015 issue of Healthcare Manager celebrates the tenth birthday of Managers in Partnership (MiP), the union for NHS managers and publishers of the magazine. We feature exclusive interviews with ten key NHS players on how MiP has supported managers and contributed to the development of the NHS. We also have the Health Foundation's chief economist Anita Charlesworth on NHS productivity, Daloni Carlise on how to engage NHS staff and vital information for NHS managers about their pensions. Healthcare Manager is designed and produced by Lexographic on behalf of MiP. Read or download the digital edition here