Public Service Magazine, editorially managed by Lexographic for the First Division Association (FDA), the union for Britain's top civil servants.

Public Service Magazine, editorially managed by Lexographic for the First Division Association (FDA), the union for Britain's top civil servants.

Healthcare Manager, editorially managed by Lexographic for Managers in Partnership (MiP).

Healthcare Manager, editorially managed by Lexographic for Managers in Partnership (MiP).

Editorial management

A good magazine, newsletter or news-driven website needs a constant flow of ideas and contributions, sound planning, meticulous attention to detail – and a coherent idea about what it's all for.

We can help you plan your issues, find compelling contributors, write and edit copy and organise the whole process so everything runs smoothly – to deadline and to budget. We'll help you manage your content so it's right for your audience and gets you the kind of attention you want.

As with everything at Lexographic, use as much or as little as you want. We can act as your editorial team, knock copy into shape or just be on the end of the phone when you need some advice.